Sunday, June 6, 2010

Kolten is 1 year old...

I can't believe that it has been an entire year since our sweet Kolten was born. It seems like this first year has flown by! I remember back in those early days that I never thought we would make it to this point. We made it through the horrible reflux, not sleeping, then only sleeping on my chest, to sleeping in our bed and finally now sleeping in his own bed. Once we got the reflux under control we learned that he is a really laid back baby, almost to laid back sometimes. He finally started crawling and is all over the house now. He is the little man of many faces and always makes us laugh. He is also our "Human Hoover" because he eats anything and everything in sight or off the floor. He actually has lots of nicknames "Bubba, monkey, Kolt", I am really not sure how these all came about. Here are a few pictures from Kolten on his birth day and today on his 1st birthday. Happy Birthday Kolten!!

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